Mohandas Ghandi was the leader of the Indian  Party who led a  protest, which is a non-violent resistance.  He believed that Hindus and Muslims could share India together.  Amritsar is  where many protesters took to the streets unarmed in the first independence protest The next step Ghandi took was to protest the tax by brittan. He marched 240miles with thousands of followers. 
In 1948 an all white National Party came to power. This brought in apartheid to south afric, This brought white a lot of white power which meant blacks could not marry outside their own race, or choose where to live or travel where they pleased.  They wanted a non racial democracy. Nelson Mandela became the leader of that party. He was arrested in 1964 and put there for life. He became a symbol of hope for the blacks.
The movie The Three Kings has to do with Americana troops in Israel trying to end the ranee of Saddam.  Also three of the soldiers stole all the gold that was hidden in ta bunker of Saddam's. Saddam had taken this gold from Kuwait people and the US troops had returned it but some was still missing... Also the troops that went to find Saddam's gold bunker tried to liberate a group of people that would have been killed by Saddam for fighting against him.

The Iran-Iraq war lasted 8 years through 1980-1988 between Ayatollah Khomeini and Saddam Hussein. The war was started due to the fear that the revolution would spread to Iraq. The Americans were supporting the Iraqis. The war was greatly started due to religion differences, even though they both tried to gain as much territory as possible. George Bush Sr. gathered 30 countries to join a coalition to try and liberate Kuwait. 

Series of military conflicts fought between various Arab countries and Israel.The conflict ended with Israel gaining considerable territory. The 1956 Suez Crisis began after Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal. A French, British, and Israeli coalition attacked Egypt and occupied the canal zone but soon withdrew under international pressure. In the Six-Day War of 1967, Israel attacked Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. The war ended with the Israel occupying substantial amounts of Arab territory.